The Interaction Between the Magnetosphere of Mars and that of Comet Siding Spring

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Mats Holmstrom, Yoshifumi Futaana and Stanislav V Barabash, IRF Swedish Institute of Space Physics Kiruna, Kiruna, Sweden
On 19 October 2014 the comet Siding Spring flew by Mars. This was a unique opportunity to study the interaction between a cometary and a planetary magnetosphere. Here we model the magnetosphere of the comet using a hybrid plasma solver (ions as particles, electrons as a fluid). The undisturbed upstream solar wind ion conditions are estimated from observations by ASPERA-3/IMA on Mars Express during several orbits. It is found that Mars probably passed through a solar wind that was disturbed by the comet during the flyby. The uncertainty derives from that the size of the disturbed solar wind region in the comet simulation is sensitive to the assumed upstream solar wind conditions, especially the solar wind proton density.