Application of Microtremor Survey Methods to Determine the Shallow Crustal S-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Wudalianchi Weishan Volcano Area

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Baolong Zhang1, Zhiwei LI2 and Risheng Chu2, (1)University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, (2)State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
Ambient noise has been proven particularly effective in imaging Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle on local, regional and global scales, as well as in monitoring temporal variations of the Earth interior and determining earthquake ground truth location. Previous studies also have shown that the Microtremor Survey Method is effective to map the shallow crustal structure. In order to obtain the shallow crustal velocity structure beneath the Wudalianchi Weishan volcano area, an array of 29 new no-cable digital geophones were deployed for three days at the test site (3km×3km) for recording continuously seismic noise. Weishan volcano is located in the far north of Wudalianchi Volcanoes, the volcanic cone is composed of basaltic lava and the volcano area covered by a quaternary sediments layer (gray and black loam, brown and yellow loam, sandy loam). Accurate shallow crustal structure, particularly sedimentary structure model can improve the accuracy of location of volcanic earthquakes and structural imaging.

We use ESPAC method, which is one of Microtremor Survey Methods, to calculate surface wave phase velocity dispersion curves between station pairs. A generalized 2-D linear inversion code that is named Surface Wave Tomography (SWT) is adopted to invert phase velocity tomographic maps in 2–5 Hz periods band. On the basis of a series of numerical tests, the study region is parameterized with a grid spacing of 0.1km×0.1km, all damping parameters and regularization are set properly to ensure relatively smooth results and small data misfits as well. We constructed a 3D Shallow Crustal S-wave Velocity model in the area by inverting the phase velocity dispersion curves at each node adopting an iterative linearized least-square inversion scheme of surf96. The tomography model is useful in interpreting volcanic features.