Evaluating the influence of fire history on dissolved pyrogenic C exported from coniferous and deciduous forest soils in northern Great Lakes Region
Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Fernanda Santos1, Sasha Wagner2, David Rothstein3, Jessica R Miesel3 and Rudolf Jaffe4, (1)University of California Merced, Merced, CA, United States, (2)Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, GA, United States, (3)Michigan State University, Department of Forestry, East Lansing, MI, United States, (4)Florida International University, Southeastern Environmental Research Center, Miami, FL, United States
Pyrogenic carbon (PyC) is formed from the thermal decomposition of plant biomass and fossil fuels, and accounts for a significant portion of the dissolved organic matter pool in rivers worldwide. While PyC mobilization and leaching from fire-impacted terrestrial ecosystems are thought to be the primary source of dissolved PyC (DPC) in riverine environments, the influence of recent biomass burning on the fluxes of DPC leached from soils remains poorly quantified. Here we examined differences in DPC leaching fluxes between (1) red pine sites that experienced post-logging slash burning in the late 19th century, and (2) sugar maple sites that show no evidence of burning in the past 200 years. We collected spring snowmelt leachates from zero-tension lysimeters installed underneath O and E soil horizons of Spodosols in both red pine and sugar maple ecosystems. We quantified DPC in leachates by measuring Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids. We also determined DPC in leachates collected from lysimeters installed beneath B horizons in the red pine ecosystem. Average concentrations of DPC leached from O and E horizons in red pine and sugar maple sites were 1.22 ± 0.33 mg L-1 and 0.96 ±0.58 mg L-1, respectively. Although DPC concentrations in either the O or E horizon leachates did not differ between the two ecosystem types, the proportion of DPC in the dissolved organic C pool was 62% higher in red pine than in sugar maple in E horizon leachates. In red pine sites, DPC concentrations were significantly lower in the B horizon leachates than in the upper soil horizons leachates, likely due to DPC immobilization in the mineral subsoil. Our preliminary results showed that a single production of PyC was not the main source of DPC exported from soils, suggesting that DPC mobilized and released from the ecosystems studied here likely integrates PyC produced at a millennial time-scale in the Great Lakes Region.