Understanding and predicting changing use of groundwater with climate and other uncertainties: a Bayesian approach

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Greg Keir, University of Queensland, Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Most groundwater supply bores in Australia do not have flow metering equipment and so regional groundwater abstraction rates are not well known. Past estimates of unmetered abstraction for regional numerical groundwater modelling typically have not attempted to quantify the uncertainty inherent in the estimation process in detail. In particular, the spatial properties of errors in the estimates are almost always neglected. Here, we apply Bayesian spatial models to estimate these abstractions at a regional scale, using the state-of-the-art computationally inexpensive approaches of integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE). We examine a case study in the Condamine Alluvium aquifer in southern Queensland, Australia; even in this comparatively data-rich area with extensive groundwater abstraction for agricultural irrigation, approximately 80% of bores do not have reliable metered flow records. Additionally, the metering data in this area are characterised by complicated statistical features, such as zero-valued observations, non-normality, and non-stationarity. While this precludes the use of many classical spatial estimation techniques, such as kriging, our model (using the R-INLA package) is able to accommodate these features. We use a joint model to predict both probability and magnitude of abstraction from bores in space and time, and examine the effect of a range of high-resolution gridded meteorological covariates upon the predictive ability of the model. Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) scores are used to assess a range of potential models, which reward good model fit while penalising excessive model complexity. We conclude that maximum air temperature (as a reasonably effective surrogate for evapotranspiration) is the most significant single predictor of abstraction rate; and that a significant spatial effect exists (represented by the SPDE approximation of a Gaussian random field with a Matérn covariance function). Our final model adopts air temperature, solar exposure, and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as covariates, shows good agreement with previous estimates at a regional scale, and additionally offers rigorous quantification of uncertainty in the estimate.