Geostationary Communications Satellites as Sensors for the Space Weather Environment: Telemetry Event Identification Algorithms

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Ashley Carlton and Kerri Cahoy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
Reliability of geostationary communication satellites (GEO ComSats) is critical to many industries worldwide. The space radiation environment poses a significant threat and manufacturers and operators expend considerable effort to maintain reliability for users. Knowledge of the space radiation environment at the orbital location of a satellite is of critical importance for diagnosing and resolving issues resulting from space weather, for optimizing cost and reliability, and for space situational awareness. For decades, operators and manufacturers have collected large amounts of telemetry from geostationary (GEO) communications satellites to monitor system health and performance, yet this data is rarely mined for scientific purposes. The goal of this work is to acquire and analyze archived data from commercial operators using new algorithms that can detect when a space weather (or non-space weather) event of interest has occurred or is in progress. We have developed algorithms, collectively called SEER (System Event Evaluation Routine), to statistically analyze power amplifier current and temperature telemetry by identifying deviations from nominal operations or other events and trends of interest.

This paper focuses on our work in progress, which currently includes methods for detection of jumps (“spikes”, outliers) and step changes (changes in the local mean) in the telemetry. We then examine available space weather data from the NOAA GOES and the NOAA-computed Kp index and sunspot numbers to see what role, if any, it might have played. By combining the results of the algorithm for many components, the spacecraft can be used as a “sensor” for the space radiation environment. Similar events occurring at one time across many component telemetry streams may be indicative of a space radiation event or system-wide health and safety concern. Using SEER on representative datasets of telemetry from Inmarsat and Intelsat, we find events that occur across all or many of telemetry files at certain dates. We compare these system-wide events to known space weather storms, such as the 2003 Halloween storms, and to spacecraft operational events, such as maneuvers. We also present future applications and expansions of SEER for robust space environment sensing and system health and safety monitoring.