Radio and X-ray diagnostics of electron acceleration and propagation in the solar atmosphere

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 17:46
2011 (Moscone West)
Nicole Vilmer, Observatoire Paris, Meudon, France and Hamish Reid, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12, United Kingdom
Efficient particle acceleration is observed in association with solar flares. X-ray and radio emissions provide valuable information on the properties of electron acceleration, interaction and propagation. In particular, type III radio bursts observed in a whole frequency band from several hundred MHz to tens of MHz allow to diagnose the propagation of electron beams from the flare acceleration site in the corona to the outer solar atmosphere.

We will present here the results of a study based on ten years of data (2002-2011) starting with a list of coronal type III bursts. We will reexamine long-standing questions on the connections between type III bursts and HXR flares using combined data from RHESSI, the Phoenix 2 and Blein 7M radiospectrometers, the NRH and Wind/Waves: -Do all coronal type III bursts have X-ray counterparts? -What kind of correlation between X-ray and radio intensities? -Do all coronal type III bursts have an Interplanetary component?

We will further describe how these kind of studies can be continued in the future using the combination of ground-based measurements with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe + observations.