A Multiplatform Observations of Air Quality in Korea as the Pre-campaign of Korea and US Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) Study.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015: 10:35
3009 (Moscone West)
Jeong-Hoo Park1, Jihyung Hong1, Youdeug Hong1, Chang-Keun Song2, Sang-Kyun Kim3, Lim-Seok Chang4, Jaehyun Lim1, Joonyoung Ahn1, Ji-Young Kim1, Yun-Jung Han1, Jhoon Kim5, Rokjin Park6 and Gangwoong Lee7, (1)NIER National Institute of Environmental Research, Incheon, South Korea, (2)National Environment Research, Incheon, South Korea, (3)NIER, Climate & Air Quality Research Department Global Environment Research Division, Incheon, South Korea, (4)National Institute of Environment Research, Incheon, South Korea, (5)Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, (6)Seoul National University, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul, South Korea, (7)Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, South Korea
Despite the Korea government’s efforts to regulate air pollutant emission for attaining the national air quality standard, current serious dust events and high ozone episodes in summer time remain important societal issues in Korea. In order to make effective policy for air quality attainment, it is contingent upon a thorough understanding of chemical production/loss mechanism of air pollutants and their precursors which drive air quality such as nitrogen oxides (NOX), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and oxidants (e.g. OH, HO2, RO, RO2, etc.). At present, policy development is constrained by a lack of data for broad suite of chemical species which significantly affect on air quality.
During 4 weeks between May and June 2013, the pre-campaign for the Korea and U.S. Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) study took place in multiplatform including fifteen ground sites, one mobile laboratory, and one small air crafts. An integrated research activity covering field observations, chemical transport models, and remote sensing has been intensively conducted. This study was focused on studying photochemistry and nighttime chemistry in urban area and transboundary transport of air pollutants from upwind. Scientific overview and outcomes from the campaign will be presented.