The earthquake history in a fault zone tells us almost nothing about mmax

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Gert Zoeller and Matthias Holschneider, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
In the present study, we summarize and evaluate the endeavors from recent
years to estimate the maximum possible earthquake magnitude mmax from observed data. In
particular, we use basic and physically motivated assumptions in order to identify ``best cases'' and ``worst cases'' in terms of
lowest and highest degree of uncertainty of mmax. We demonstrate in a
general framework that earthquake data and earthquake proxy data recorded in a fault zone, provide
almost no information about mmax, unless numerous seismic cycles are
supported by reliable and homogeneous data. Even if detailed earthquake information from some
centuries including historic and paleo-earthquakes are available, only very few,
namely the largest events will contribute at all to the estimation of mmax and result in
unacceptable high uncertainties. As a consequence, estimators of mmax
in a fault zone, which are based solely on earthquake-related information from this
region, have to be dismissed.