Lightning characteristics related to radar morphology in linear convective systems over North China plain
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Dongxia Liu, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Beijing, China, Xiushu Qie, IAP Insititute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China and Debin Su, Beijing Meteorology Administrator, Beijing, China
Based on SAFIR3000 Lightning Location Network and radar information, 89 linear mesoscale convective systems occurred in Beijing area are analyzed from the year of 2007 to 2011. All the linear convective systems are classified to six categories by radar morphologies, including leading convective lines with trailing stratiform region (TS), leading stratiform region trailing convective region (LS), leading convective lines with no stratiform region (NS), bow echo of leading line (BE), leading convective lines with parallel stratiform region (PS). The results show that linear convective systems occurred frequently in summer time over Beijing area, particularly the TS and LS mode, accounted for 61% of the linear MCSs. According to synoptic chart, the 89 linear convective systems are mainly influenced by cold vortex, wind shear, moving trough and western Pacific subtropical high. The lightning activities of linear MCSs including TS MCSs, LS MCSs and PS MCSs which are most frequent of three categories are discussed. On average, lightning mainly located in the linear convective region, and less or no lightning located in the trailing stratiform region. The lightning are mainly located in the strong radar echo of TS, LS and PS mode in the mature stage, but lightning activities present apparent different in the dissipating stage. At the dissipating stage, the lightning occurred gradually increased in the stratiform region of TS mode, whereas there is no lightning occurred in the stratiform region of LS mode, and +CG lightning take account for large percentage in PS MCSs.