Core formation in the early solar system through percolation: 4-D in-situ visualization of melt migration

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Geoff Bromiley, University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Although core formation was a key stage in the evolution of terrestrial planets, the physical processes which resulted in segregation of iron and silicate remain poorly understood. Formation of a silicate magma oceans provides an obvious mechanism for segregation of core-forming liquids, although recent work has strengthened arguments for a complex, multi-stage model of core formation. Extreme pressure1 and the effects of deformation2 have both been shown to promote percolation of Fe-rich melts in a solid silicate matrix, providing mechanisms for early, low temperature core-formation. However, the efficiency of these processes remains untested and we lack meaningful experimental data on resulting melt segregation velocities. Arguments regarding the efficiency of core formation through percolation of Fe-rich melts in solid silicate are based on simple, empirical models.


Here, we review textural evidence from recent experiments which supports early core formation driven by deformation-aided percolation of Fe-rich melts. We then present results of novel in-situ synchrotron studies designed to provide time-resolved 3-D microimaging of percolating melt in model systems under extreme conditions. Under low strain rates characteristic of deformation-aided core formation, segregation of metallic (core-forming) melts by percolation is driven by stress gradients. This is expected to ultimately result in channelization and efficient segregation of melts noted in high-strain, low pressure experiments3. In-situ visualization also demonstrates that percolation of viscous metallic melts is surprisingly rapid. A combination of melt channelization and hydraulic fracture results in rapid, episodic melt migration, even over the limited time scale of experiments. The efficiency of this process depends strongly on the geometry of the melt network and is scaled to grain size in the matrix. We use both in-situ visualization and high-resolution ex-situ analysis to provide accurate constraints on melt migration velocities via this combined mechanism and will propose a model by which results can be scaled to core formation in the early solar system.



[1] Shi et al. Nature GeoSc. 6, 971 (2013).

[2] Bruhn et al. Nature 403, 883 (2000).

[3] Kohlstedt & Holtzman Ann. Rev. Earth. Planet. Sci. 37, 561 (2009).