Dissolved inert gases (He, Ne, N2) as marker of groundwater flow-lines and degassing sources in Etnean area

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Manfredi Longo, Antonio Paonita, Sergio Bellomo, Lorenzo Brusca and Walter D'Alessandro, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Palermo, Italy
Several studies in the past three decades have demonstrated the role played by monitoring chemical and isotopic composition of dissolved gases in groundwaters hosted in volcanic area, which represents by now a powerful tool to evaluate the state of activity of volcanoes and its evolution. The first step to make it possible, is a comprehensive understanding of fluids circulation inside the volcano edifice, starting from groundwaters characterization up to the identification of the underground pathways and their relationships with tectonic structures, that enhance interactions between waters and magmatic gases.

In this work, we focussed on chemical composition of inert dissolved gases (He, Ne, N2) and He isotope abundances coming from groundwaters circulating in Mt Etna, as having great contrast between magmatic and shallow sources and no chemical interaction with rocks. We identified waters which intersect anomalous degassing areas, such as well evident or buried tectonic structures. These waters show both nearly magmatic He isotopic composition and high ratios of dissolved magmatic gases (He, CO2) versus the atmospherics ones (N2). Along the hydrologic flow-lines and faraway from the degassing structures, we found waters with lower He isotopic ratios and consequently richer of atmospheric-derived gases (Ne, N2). On this basis, we set-up a model of unidimensional dispersion-advection, coupled to a two-layer dynamic exchange of volatiles between the aquifer surface and atmosphere. The model is able to quantitatively explain the progressive “dilution” of the magmatic signal through several kilometres-long distances, from the source point of the anomaly towards the final stage of flow-lines at the coast. Typical hydro geological parameters, such as rock permeability, could be constrained by this approach. Moreover, anomalous compositions found along water flow-lines could represent possible new sources of degassing, allowing to detect hidden degassing structures.