Origin of Hadean 146Sm-142Nd signatures in supracrustal enclaves of the Innuksuac complex (Quebec)

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Guillaume Caro1, Précillia Morino1, Stephen J Mojzsis2, Nicole Cates2 and Wouter Bleeker3, (1)CNRS, Paris Cedex 16, France, (2)University of Colorado & Universite Lyon 1, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
The discovery of negative 142Nd anomalies produced by the decay of now extinct 146Sm (T1/2=103 Ma) in mafic rocks from the Nuvvuagittuq supracrustal belt (NSB) has fueled a debate on the presence of a 4.2-4.3 Ga old component within the Archean Innuksuac complex (Northeastern Superior Province, Canada). Despite the uniqueness of these Hadean signatures, the NSB remains so far the only studied supracrustal belt in an otherwise largely unexplored terrane. This study investigates the 146,147Sm-142,143Nd record of newly discovered supracrustals located ca. 2 km northeast of Nuvvuagittuq. Petrologically, the Ukalik supracrustal belt (USB) comprises mafic and ultramafic rocks associated with chemical sediments (BIFs, chert). The metabasalts yield near-concordant 147Sm-143Nd and 146Sm-142Nd ages at 4.07±0.22 Ga and 4.22±0.04 Ga, respectively. The negative 142Nd effects, however, are restricted to Low-Ti ("boninite-like") metabasalts, whereas High-Ti ("MORB-like") metabasalts have μ142Nd=0. Neither group shows any internal relationship between Sm/Nd and μ142Nd. Furthermore, chemical sediments interleaved with the metabasalts display no resolvable 142Nd effect despite their very low Sm/Nd ratios. These observations suggest that Hadean 146,147Sm-142,143Nd signatures characterizing Ukalik mafic lithologies were generated, possibly in an Eoarchean supra-subduction zone environment, by addition of a metasomatic fluid with μ142Nd<-15 ppm to a normal mantle with μ142Nd=0.