Double torsion fracture mechanics testing of shales under chemically reactive conditions

Thursday, 17 December 2015: 16:15
300 (Moscone South)
Xiaofeng Chen1, Owen A Callahan1, Jon T Holder1, Jon E Olson2 and Peter Eichhubl3, (1)University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States, (2)University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering,, Austin, TX, United States, (3)University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX, United States
Fracture properties of shales is vital for applications such as shale and tight gas development, and seal performance of carbon storage reservoirs. We analyze the fracture behavior from samples of Marcellus, Woodford, and Mancos shales using double-torsion (DT) load relaxation fracture tests. The DT test allows the determination of mode-I fracture toughness (KIC), subcritical crack growth index (SCI), and the stress-intensity factor vs crack velocity (K-V) curves. Samples are tested at ambient air and aqueous conditions with variable ionic concentrations of NaCl and CaCl2, and temperatures up to 70 to determine the effects of chemical/environmental conditions on fracture.

Under ambient air condition, KIC determined from DT tests is 1.51±0.32, 0.85±0.25, 1.08±0.17 MPam1/2 for Marcellus, Woodford, and Mancos shales, respectively. Tests under water showed considerable change of KIC compared to ambient condition, with 10.6% increase for Marcellus, 36.5% decrease for Woodford, and 6.7% decrease for Mancos shales. SCI under ambient air condition is between 56 and 80 for the shales tested. The presence of water results in a significant reduction of the SCI from 70% to 85% compared to air condition. Tests under chemically reactive solutions are currently being performed with temperature control.

K-V curves under ambient air conditions are linear with stable SCI throughout the load-relaxation period. However, tests conducted under water result in an initial cracking period with SCI values comparable to ambient air tests, which then gradually transition into stable but significantly lower SCI values of 10-20. The non-linear K-V curves reveal that crack propagation in shales is initially limited by the transport of chemical agents due to their low permeability. Only after the initial cracking do interactions at the crack tip lead to cracking controlled by faster stress corrosion reactions. The decrease of SCI in water indicates higher crack propagation velocity due to faster stress corrosion rate in water than in ambient air.

The experimental results are applicable for the prediction of fracture initiation based on KIC, modeling fracture pattern based on SCI, and the estimation of dynamic fracture propagation such as crack growth velocity and crack re-initiation.