A General Implicit Boundary Reconstruction for Flow and Transport in Porous Media 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Mehrdad Yousefzadeh, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States and Ilenia Battiato, San Diego State University, Mechanical Engineering Dept., San Diego, CA, United States
One of the most challenging issues in pore-scale modeling of flow and transport in porous media is the high computational burden associated with resolving the complex pore structure. Additionally, computational costs increase dramatically in presence of changing geometries, e.g. due to adsorption and dissolution processes, as re-meshing becomes necessary. In such scenarios, Immersed Boundary Methods (or IBMs) are an attractive alternative to classical unstructured body-fitted grids as they employ basic Cartesian grids. Since their development in the late 70s, IBMs have generally been implemented in an explicit manner: this imposes severe time-step restrictions and causes instability issues. Moreover their implementation for Neumann (constant flux) and Robin (e.g. reaction) boundary conditions (BCs) has not been well studied. We have developed an implicit IBM capable of handling all types of BC and have implemented it for several transport and flow scenarios. Successful validation against both experimental and numerical data has been carried out.