Coherent structures, dissipation and intermittency in plasma turbulence
Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Minping Wan1, William H Matthaeus1, Vadim Roytershteyn2, Tulasi Parashar1, Michael A Shay1, Homayoun Karimabadi3 and Pin Wu1, (1)University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States, (2)SciberQuest, Inc, Atlanta, GA, United States, (3)University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
The nature of collisionless dissipation in turbulent plasmas such
as the solar wind and the solar corona has been hotly debated
recently. Here we report results from high resolution, fully
kinetic simulations of plasmas turbulence in both two and three
dimensions. The simulations show development of turbulent coherent
structures, characterized by sheet-like current density structures
spanning a range of scales. Results from particle-in-cell (PIC)
simulations are also compared with MHD simulations in terms of
coherent structures, dissipation and intermittency. An important
conclusion, for all simulations examined, is that the dissipation
is concentrated in very small volumes, reminiscent of the
scenario that motivates the Kolmogorov refined similarity hypothesis
in hydrodynamic turbulence. Extrapolated to large heliospheric system
sizes, this leads to the expectation of significant departures from
heating processes that operate uniformly in space. Results from latest
3D driven PIC simulations, as well as the connection to
solar wind observations, will also be discussed.