Do foliar endophytic bacteria fix nitrogen?
Monday, 14 December 2015: 10:20
2008 (Moscone West)
Lara M Kueppers1,2, Andrew B Moyes1,2, Carolin Frank2, Jennifer Pett-Ridge3, Dana Carper2, Nick Vandehey1, Jim O'Neil1 and Anne Dekas3, (1)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, United States, (2)University of California Merced, Merced, CA, United States, (3)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States
Endophytic microorganisms – bacteria and fungi that live inside healthy plant tissue – are a relatively unexplored source of functional diversity in natural ecosystems. Prior to modern sequencing technology, detecting uncultured endophytic bacteria and assessing their putative functions was challenging. However, recent work has revealed a remarkable diversity of as yet non-culturable endophytic taxa and is beginning to identify functional roles within plant microbiomes. We recently examined bacterial communities in the foliage of a long-lived, high-elevation conifer species, limber pine (Pinus flexilis), and discovered a community strongly dominated by acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacteraceae), with several taxa closely related to known nitrogen fixers. Given limber pine's status as a pioneer species that is able to grow in low fertility soils, we hypothesized that this bacterial community has a potential functional role in fixing atmospheric nitrogen, providing a source of this limiting nutrient to the host tree. We used the radioisotope 13N2 to confirm that N2 rapidly diffuses into pine needles, where it could potentially be fixed. With an acetylene reduction assay we confirmed nitrogenase enzyme activity inside excised twigs 4 times over a growing season, and estimate potential rates of N2 fixation at 0.1 nmol N2 g needle-1 hr-1. Scaled to the stand level, this N input could be on the order of ~20 mg N m-2 d-1 over a growing season. While these rates are low, the long lifespan of individual trees (~1000 years) makes them biologically meaningful. Still, measured rates of acetylene reduction and bulk 15N2 incorporation are quite variable in space and time. Much work remains to better characterize the plant-microbial interactions in this system, including the rates of nitrogen fixation and their variability over the growing season, across edaphic conditions, among host species, and through plant development; and to determine which community members are responsible for this novel nitrogen transformation pathway in high elevation forests.