Five Ways to Try if our Believe about the Truth is Right, That you can Do using Stuff you have at Home, done in five minutes.

Friday, 18 December 2015: 17:35
310 (Moscone South)
Rolf Hut, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
The best way to know if what you believe about the world is true, is by trying stuff out. I will try five things, using stuff you have at home, all in a total of five minutes. Do you want to know how big grey animals clean their teeth? Come to this talk! Fire needs air, right? Do you want to know how to put out a fire using a part of the air? Come to this talk!
Do you like this: https://youtu.be/Hek0gUiWESU moving picture but think that I use hard to understand words? Than come and watch me try those five things in five minutes!