Small-scale plasma turbulence and intermittency in the high latitude F region based on the ICI-2 sounding rocket experiment

Thursday, 17 December 2015: 11:53
2016 (Moscone West)
Andres Spicher1, Wojciech Miloch2, Joran Idar Moen1 and Lasse Boy Novock Clausen3, (1)University of Oslo, Physics Department, Oslo, Norway, (2)University of Oslo, Department of Physics, Oslo, Norway, (3)University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Small-scale plasma irregularities and turbulence are common phenomena in the F layer of the ionosphere, both in the equatorial and polar regions. A common approach in analyzing data from experiments on space and ionospheric plasma irregularities are power spectra. Power spectra give no information about the phases of the waveforms, and thus do not allow to determine whether some of the phases are correlated or whether they exhibit a random character. The former case would imply the presence of nonlinear wave-wave interactions, while the latter suggests a more turbulent-like process. Discerning between these mechanisms is crucial for understanding high latitude plasma irregularities and can be addressed with bispectral analysis and higher order statistics.

In this study, we use higher order spectra and statistics to analyze electron density data observed with the ICI-2 sounding rocket experiment at a meter-scale resolution. The main objective of ICI-2 was to investigate plasma irregularities in the cusp in the F layer ionosphere. We study in detail two regions intersected during the rocket flight and which are characterized by large density fluctuations: a trailing edge of a cold polar cap patch, and a density enhancement subject to cusp auroral particle precipitation. While these two regions exhibit similar power spectra, our analysis reveals that their internal structure is different. The structures on the edge of the polar cap patch are characterized by significant coherent mode coupling and intermittency, while the plasma enhancement associated with precipitation exhibits stronger random characteristics. This indicates that particle precipitation may play a fundamental role in ionospheric plasma structuring by creating turbulent-like structures.