Constraints on the metamorphic history of a mélange complex within the easternmost Himalayan orogen, northern Indo-Burma Range, based on P-T pseudosection and thermobarometric studies.

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Peter J Haproff, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States and An Yin, University of California Los Angeles, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Despite many petrologic and structural studies surrounding the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, P-T histories of metamorphic rocks within the northern Indo-Burman mélange of the easternmost Himalayas remain largely unknown. We present metamorphic P-T conditions of three schists from successive thrust sheets related to generation of the Himalayan orogen, based on mineral assemblage thermobarometry and pseudosection phase diagrams. Use of the garnet-muscovite-biotite-plagioclase thermobarometer and Ti-in-biotite thermometer yield peak conditions of 676 ± 78°C and 10.6 ± 1.3 kbar for schist (PH-1-8-13-26) thrust atop metavolcanics, mafic schist, and ultramafics of the Indus-Ysangpo suture zone (IYSZ). Within this sample, quartz is recrystallized along grain boundaries and garnets contain no significant compositional zoning. Pseudosections constructed from bulk-rock composition and equilibrium mineral assemblages yield a clockwise P-T path with similar peak garnet amphibolite conditions. At structurally lower levels, garnet chlorite schist (PH-1-8-13-8) from a thrust klippe of the IYSZ record peak temperatures below 650°C. Garnets display growth zoning, with increasing Mn and decreasing Fe and Mg from rim to core. Application of the Ti-in-biotite thermometer to a mafic schist (PH-1-3-13-1B) within the klippe near a southwestward-directed thrust yields a peak temperature of 679 ± 24°C. Our study reveals a complex metamorphic history throughout the northern Indo-Burman mélange zone that likely records metamorphism at deep crustal levels during thrust motion and growth of the Himalayan orogen around the northeastern corner of India.