Shrinkage Cracking: A mechanism for self-sustaining carbon mineralization reactions in olivine rocks

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 14:40
301 (Moscone South)
Wenlu Zhu1, Florian Fusseis2, Harrison P Lisabeth1, Tiange Xing1, Xianghui Xiao3, Vincent J De De Andrade3 and Shun-ichiro Karato4, (1)University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States, (2)University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, (3)Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United States, (4)Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, United States
The hydration and carbonation of olivine results in an up to ~44% increase in solid molar volume, which may choke off of fluid supply and passivate reactive surfaces, thus preventing further carbonation reactions. The carbonation of olivine has ben studied extensively in the laboratory. To date, observations from these experimental studies indicate that carbonation reaction rates generally decrease with time and the extent of carbonation is limited in olivine rocks. Field studies, however, show that 100% hydration and carbonation occur naturally in ultramafic rocks. The disagreement between the laboratory results under controlled conditions and the field observations underlines the lack of understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the self-sustaining carbonation interaction in nature.

We developed a state-of-the-art pressurized hydrothermal cell that is transparent to X-rays to characterize the real-time evolution of pore geometry during fluid-rock interaction using in-situ synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography. Through a time series of high-resolution 3-dimensional images, we document the microstructural evolution of a porous olivine aggregate reacting with a sodium bicarbonate solution at elevated pressure and temperature conditions. We observed porosity increases, near constant rate of crystal growth, and pervasive reaction-induced fractures. Based on the nanometer scale tomography data, we propose that shrinkage cracking is the mechanism responsible for producing new reactive surface and keep the carbonation reaction self-sustaining in our experiment. Shrinkage cracks are commonly observed in drying mud ponds, cooling lava flows and ice wedge fields. Stretching of a contracting surface bonded to a substrate of nearly constant dimensions leads to a stress buildup in the surface layer. When the stress exceeds the tensile strength, polygonal cracks develop in the surface layer. In our experiments, the stretching mismatch between the surface and interior of the sintered olivine aggregate is instigated by rapid dissolution and non-uniform precipitation. Our results provide new insight into the weathering of ultramafic rocks in nature and guidance to experimental designs for more efficient carbonation.