Search of the Deep and Dark Web via DARPA Memex

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Chris A Mattmann, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, United States
Search has progressed through several stages due to the increasing size of the Web. Search engines first focused on text and its rate of occurrence; then focused on the notion of link analysis and citation then on interactivity and guided search; and now on the use of social media – who we interact with, what we comment on, and who we follow (and who follows us). The next stage, referred to as “deep search,” requires solutions that can bring together text, images, video, importance, interactivity, and social media to solve this challenging problem.

The Apache Nutch project provides an open framework for large-scale, targeted, vertical search with capabilities to support all past and potential future search engine foci. Nutch is a flexible infrastructure allowing open access to ranking; URL selection and filtering approaches, to the link graph generated from search, and Nutch has spawned entire sub communities including Apache Hadoop and Apache Tika. It addresses many current needs with the capability to support new technologies such as image and video.

On the DARPA Memex project, we are creating create specific extensions to Nutch that will directly improve its overall technological superiority for search and that will directly allow us to address complex search problems including human trafficking. We are integrating state-of-the-art algorithms developed by Kitware for IARPA Aladdin combined with work by Harvard to provide image and video understanding support allowing automatic detection of people and things and massive deployment via Nutch. We are expanding Apache Tika for scene understanding, object/person detection and classification in images/video.

We are delivering an interactive and visual interface for initiating Nutch crawls. The interface uses Python technologies to expose Nutch data and to provide a domain specific language for crawls. With the Bokeh visualization library the interface we are delivering simple interactive crawl visualization and plotting techniques for exploring crawled information. The platform classifies, identify, and thwart predators, help to find victims and to identify buyers in human trafficking and will deliver technological superiority in search engines for DARPA.

We are already transitioning the technologies into Geo and Planetary Science, and Bioinformatics.