What Can We Learn from Hugoniot Temperature as a Function of Shock Velocity?

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Mu LI1,2 and Raymond Jeanloz1, (1)University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States, (2)CAEP China Academy of Engineering Physics, Institute of Fluid Physics, Mianyang, China
Shock-wave experiments traditionally rely on impact techniques, whereby measured shock velocity (US) can be related to material velocity (up), determined from the impact velocity (= 2up for a symmetric impact), and resulting in the empirically observed linear USup equation of state: US = c0 + s up. Modern experiments relying on laser-driven compression have the advantage of reaching higher pressures than laboratory impact experiments, but up is typically not determined; instead, Hugoniot temperature (TH) and shock velocity are more readily measured.

Assuming a linear USup equation of state and that the Grüneisen parameter has the volume dependence g(V) = g0 (V/V0), measurements of the Hugoniot temperature as a function of shock velocity provide constraints on the specific heat along the Hugoniot

CVH(US) = V0 f(US)[c0 g0 THs US dTH/dUS]–1

 where the Walsh-Christian (1955) function f(US) = – (USc0)2 US/(V0 s c0) = TH dSH/dVH gives the entropy change along the Hugoniot (subscripts 0 and H indicate zero-pressure and Hugoniot states, respectively). In this sense, TH(US) measurements are similar to calorimetry experiments. If specific heat and Grüneisen parameter are determined independently (e.g., from wave-velocity measurements and experiments on porous samples), the TH(US) analog to the linear USup equation of state is

 TH(US) = {T0 exp(g0 /s) – ò[V0 c0 f(x)/(s x CV)] exp[c0 g0 /(s x)] dx} exp[– c0 g0 /(s US)]

where the integration is from x = c0 to x = US.

In addition, experiments can be considered with: 1) different initial volume, as in a porous sample; 2) different initial internal energy, as in a sample heated at constant volume; and 3) different initial volume and internal energy, as in a sample initially heated at ambient pressure. From these four initial states, we get four different Hugoniot curves, and can also consider the effect of phase transition latent heat. Temperature as a function of shock velocity may thus be benefit the analysis of melting and other phase transitions with small volume change and finite latent heat.