Big Data Geo-Analytical Tool Development for Spatial Analysis Uncertainty Visualization and Quantification Needs

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Jennifer R Bauer, AECOM, NETL, Albany, OR, United States, David Vic Baker, Matric Mid-Atlantic Technology, Research & Innovation Center, Morgantown, WV, United States and Kelly Rose, National Energy Technology Lab, Albany, OR, United States
As big data computing capabilities are increasingly paired with spatial analytical tools and approaches, there is a need to ensure uncertainty associated with the datasets used in these analyses is adequately incorporated and portrayed in results. Often the products of spatial analyses, big data and otherwise, are developed using discontinuous, sparse, and often point-driven data to represent continuous phenomena. Results from these analyses are generally presented without clear explanations of the uncertainty associated with the interpolated values. The Variable Grid Method (VGM) offers users with a flexible approach designed for application to a variety of analyses where users there is a need to study, evaluate, and analyze spatial trends and patterns while maintaining connection to and communicating the uncertainty in the underlying spatial datasets. The VGM outputs a simultaneous visualization representative of the spatial data analyses and quantification of underlying uncertainties, which can be calculated using data related to sample density, sample variance, interpolation error, uncertainty calculated from multiple simulations. In this presentation we will show how we are utilizing Hadoop to store and perform spatial analysis through the development of custom Spark and MapReduce applications that incorporate ESRI Hadoop libraries. The team will present custom ‘Big Data’ geospatial applications that run on the Hadoop cluster and integrate with ESRI ArcMap with the team’s probabilistic VGM approach. The VGM-Hadoop tool has been specially built as a multi-step MapReduce application running on the Hadoop cluster for the purpose of data reduction. This reduction is accomplished by generating multi-resolution, non-overlapping, attributed topology that is then further processed using ESRI’s geostatistical analyst to convey a probabilistic model of a chosen study region. Finally, we will share our approach for implementation of data reduction and topology generation via custom multi-step Hadoop applications, performance benchmarking comparisons, and Hadoop-centric opportunities for greater parallelization of geospatial operations. The presentation includes examples of the approach being applied to a range of subsurface, geospatial studies (e.g. induced seismicity risk).