Tight coupling between atmospheric ρCO2 and temperature change during the Late Triassic: observational evidence for enhanced climate sensitivity in a hothouse state

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Todd Knobbe and Morgan F. Schaller, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States
Climate sensitivity is the change in global equilibrium surface temperature per doubling of atmospheric ρCO2. Modern climate sensitivity, based on paleoclimate data and fast-feedback processes (Charney sensitivity), is observed to be ~3°C per doubling of CO2. However, Charney sensitivity may not be representative of ice-free hothouse states that have dominated most of Earth history where sensitivity may be higher. Few opportunities exist to empirically determine climate sensitivity during a hothouse state based on contemporaneous observations of ρCO2 and temperature. Here we present evidence for tight coupling between ρCO2 and temperature during the Late Triassic (end-Norian through Rhaetian) from the Newark basin and Lagonegro/Sicani basins, respectively. Detailed magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy allows for correlation between the Lagonegro and Sicani basins (Italy), which are magnetostratigraphically correlated to the Newark basin. Temperature is calculated from δ18O values of conodont apatite published from the Lagonegro and Sicani basins, while ρCO2 estimates are from pedogenic carbonates in the Newark basin. We find a distinct rise and subsequent fall in atmospheric ρCO2 that is precisely mirrored by a contemporaneous rise and fall in temperature. Between 212-209 Ma, we observe a concomitant increase in ρCO2 (1900 to 4800 ppm) and temperature (20 to 27°C), followed by a more protracted concomitant decrease in atmospheric ρCO2 (4800 to 2200 ppm) and temperature (27 to 21°C) from 209-202 Ma. We use simple numerical methods to calculate climate sensitivity for the Late Triassic from these complementary data sets and find that sensitivity through both a doubling and subsequent halving of pCO2 are on the order of 5°C, in close agreement with empirically based model assessments from younger sections. We note sensitivities as high as 7°C/doubling are observed when using the lowest pCO2 estimate allowed by the formal error window assigned to the paleosol data. These are the oldest contemporaneous and tightly coupled ρCO2 and temperature estimates, and among the only empirical indications of enhanced Earth System Sensitivity in a demonstrably ice-free world, confirming previous findings that climate sensitivity is enhanced during a hothouse state when compared to the modern.