CERESVis: A QC Tool for CERES that Leverages Browser Technology for Data Validation

Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Churngwei Chu1, Sunny Sun-Mack1, Elizabeth Heckert1, Yan Chen1 and David Doelling2, (1)Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Hampton, Hampton, VA, United States, (2)NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, United States
In this poster, we are going to present three user interfaces that CERES team uses to validate pixel-level data. Besides our home grown tools, we will aslo present the browser technology that we use to provide interactive interfaces, such as jquery, HighCharts and Google Earth. We pass data to the users' browsers and use the browsers to do some simple computations. The three user interfaces are:
  • Thumbnails -- it displays hundrends images to allow users to browse 24-hour data files in few seconds.
  • Multiple-synchronized cursors -- it allows users to compare multiple images side by side.
  • Bounding Boxes and Histograms -- it allows users to draw multiple bounding boxes on an image and the browser computes/display the histograms.