Semi-Infinite Geology Modeling Algorithm (SIGMA): a Modular Approach to 3D Gravity

Thursday, 17 December 2015: 10:40
3024 (Moscone West)
Jefferson C Chang1,2 and Kevin Crain1, (1)Oklahoma Geological Survey, Norman, OK, United States, (2)University of Oklahoma, Geology & Geophysics, Norman, OK, United States
Conventional 3D gravity computations can take up to days, weeks, and even months, depending on the size and resolution of the data being modeled. Additional modeling runs, due to technical malfunctions or additional data modifications, only compound computation times even further. We propose a new modeling algorithm that utilizes vertical line elements to approximate mass, and non-gridded (point) gravity observations. This algorithm is (1) magnitudes faster than conventional methods, (2) accurate to less than 0.1% error, and (3) modular. The modularity of this methodology means that researchers can modify their geology/terrain or gravity data, and only the modified component needs to be re-run. Additionally, land-, sea-, and air-based platforms can be modeled at their observation point, without having to filter data into a synthesized grid.