Ground-based observations of aerosol-cloud interactions in the North East of the United States

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Siwei Li, Howard University, NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Washington, DC, United States, Everette Joseph, SUNY at Albany, Albany, NY, United States and Qilong Min, State University of New York, Albany, NY, United States
Five years ground-based observations (2006 to 2010) of aerosol and cloud properties derived from passive radiometric sensors deployed at an atmospheric measurement field station in the Baltimore-Washington corridor operated by Howard University were used to examine aerosol indirect effect on cloud optical depth (COD), liquid water path (LWP), cloud droplet effective radius (Re) and cloud droplet number concentration (Nd). A higher frequency of clouds with small Re (<7µm) was found during summer of 2006 and 2007 along with higher frequency of abundant aerosol loading (AOD>0.5). The five-year data are screened for summer boundary layer clouds only and are separated into clean and polluted cases based on aerosol particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter≤2.5µm (PM2.5) value. Evidence of aerosol indirect effect on cloud microphysics is found where for the polluted cases the mean (and median) values of Nd distributions were elevated while the mean (and median) values of Re were decreased as compared to those for the clean cases under various LWP ranges. Relatively, the aerosol indirect effects on modifying cloud microphysical properties are found more significant with large LWP than with small LWP.