Role ofCatalytic Oxidants in Remediation of subsurface cum above-ground Water Systems & Control of Environmental Pollution Through Development of Predictive Model of Chemical Reaction Kinetics(MCRK)’
Role ofCatalytic Oxidants in Remediation of subsurface cum above-ground Water Systems & Control of Environmental Pollution Through Development of Predictive Model of Chemical Reaction Kinetics(MCRK)’
The oxidation process would be employed to treat Groundwater contaminants by making use of the chemical oxidant s viz. hydrogen peroxide, persulfate, permanganate & ozone causing chemical destruction of toxic organic chemicals. Its presumed that catalytic oxides of first row transition metal oxides e.g. Cobalt oxide should optimize the process of subsurface remediation and above-ground water treatment systems depending on a variety of site-specific conditions e.g.reaction rate kinetics.Chemical oxidation be applied in subsurface systems and in above ground water treatment systems involving chemical oxidation regeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC). To develop innovative methods to entraptoxins , Chemical toxicants include inorganic substances such as, lead, mercury, hydrofluoric acid, and chlorine gas, and organic compounds such as methyl alcohol, by developing High Affinity Toxin Receptors (HART)& convert GHG (Methane, CO2, ) to ethanol by catalytic processes and develop hybrid fuels like bio-ethanol and bio-diesel and go for electricity from biomass. to develop physicochemical and spectroscopic methods to characterize the in-situ chemical speciation of the inorganic contaminants and develop technologies for remediation of water & environmental pollution by catalytic oxidants.Finally,to develop Correlational Predictive Model of Chemical Reaction Kinetics(MCRK) to investigate process fundamentals & assess contaminant transformation.