A New Vortex-in-cell Method for Solving the Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere
A New Vortex-in-cell Method for Solving the Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere
We present a new vortex-in-cell method for computational modeling of the quasi-geostrophic shallow water equations on the sphere. We assume that, ψ, the stream function and, hs, the deviation of the water free surface from its resting position are related by the local linear balance, g hs = f ψ, following the arguments by Kuo (1959) and Charney and Stern (1962), where g is gravity and f is the Coriolis parameter. For small hs compared to the water depth d(φ,θ), the Global quasi-geostrophic shallow water equation is expressed as ∇2ψ - ψ/Ld2 ≈ Q d - f (eq 1), where the Rossby radius is Ld = (gd(φ,θ))1/2/f(φ,θ), and Q(φ,θ,t) is the potential vorticity, which is conserved along particles trajectories. Spatio-temporal variations in the water depth h(φ,θ,t), contribute to an irrotational component of the velocity, with the potential, Φ, governed by Poisson's equation ∇2Φ=-h-1 Dh/Dt, where D is the Lagrangian derivative and h(φ,θ,t)=hs(φ,θ,t)+ d(φ,θ). In the proposed hybrid method, Lagrangian particles carrying the potential vorticity are advected using a second order Runge Kutta time integration scheme. The velocity at the particles locations is interpolated from the velocity field computed on the grid using Grid-based Poisson's solvers for ψ and Φ. Assessment of the proposed method is carried out by exploring its accuracy as a function of the grid size and time step and by comparing with existing Vortex-in-cell methods.