Inner Shelf Diurnal Temperature Variability Hot Spot
Inner Shelf Diurnal Temperature Variability Hot Spot
Measures of temperature over the vertical were obtained at 93 moorings located along a 60 km stretch of coastline in central California at water depths d = 100 m to 9 m between August-October 2017 as part of the ONR Inner Shelf DRI. The coastline is interrupted by three coastal promontories: Pt. San Luis, Pt. Sal, and Pt. Purisima. Vertical and spatial diurnal temperature (TDU(z) and TDU(x,y)) variability are investigated by employing empirical orthogonal analysis (EOF) techniques on diurnal band-passed temperature observations. The TDU mode 1 vertical EOF (φDU(z)1) accounted for more than 65% of the TDU(z) variability at 86 of the moorings and averaged 81%. The remaining 7 moorings, which account for less than 65% of the TDU(z) variability, are discarded from further analysis. Three primary patterns in the φDU(z)1 profiles are exhibited: A baroclinic pattern with middle water column TDU(z) variance maxima which occurred at moorings in d > 20m, a nearly depth-uniform TDU(z) variance pattern which occurred at moorings in d < 20m, and surface TDU(z) variance maxima which typically occurred south of coastal promontories. For spatial complex EOF analyses performed on moorings with nearly depth uniform φDU(z)1, the mode 1 diurnal spatial complex EOF (φDU(x,y)1) accounts for 80% of the total TDU(x,y) variability, and exhibits an equatorward TDU(z) signal propagation ranging between 1-2 m/s that initiates south of coastal promontories. For spatial complex EOF analyses performed on moorings with a baroclinic φDU(z)1 profile, the φDU(x,y)1 accounts for 75% of the total TDU(x,y) variability. The φDU(x,y)1 also reveals a hot spot in TDU(x,y) variability that occurs directly north of Pt. Sal where the magnitude of φDU(x,y)1 increases. Additionally, the TDU(x,y) signal propagates towards this hot spot from all directions.