Dynamics of Convection and Submesoscale Eddy Formation Under Sea Ice Leads
In this study, we investigate these relationships by conducting a suite of idealized numerical simulations in 2D and 3D domains (with and without eddy generation, respectively). As a baseline for our numerical model results, we present dynamical theories that predict the plume convection depth, buoyancy anomaly, and eddy scale as a function of initial stratification and surface buoyancy forcing. Our results suggest that the pycnocline penetration depth is highly dependent on salinity stratification, whereas the eddy properties are most strongly influenced by the lead width. Furthermore, our results reveal that the mechanical feedback of the sea ice on the mixed layer inhibits the migration, and possibly the size and merging of eddies. The sensitivity experiments conducted in this study suggest that the intermittent opening of leads can efficiently populate the polar halocline with submesoscale coherent vortices with diameters of O(10km), and may help better constrain the partitioning between local and nonlocal salinity anomalies due to sea ice leads.