Impact of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Observations on ENSO Predictions from the New NASA/GMAO Seasonal Forecast System
For all initialization experiments, all available along-track absolute dynamic topography and in situ temperature and salinity observations are assimilated using the LETKF scheme similar to Penny et al., 2013. In addition, all available along-track satellite SSS (Aquarius – Lilly and Lagerloef, 2008, SMAP – Fore et al., 2016 and SMOS – Boutin et al., 2018) are routinely assimilated into the ocean reanalysis. A separate reanalysis withholds along-track SSS data.
In this presentation, we highlight the impact of satellite SSS on the ocean reanalyses by comparing validation statistics of experiments that assimilate SSS versus one that withholds SSS. For recent case studies, we find that for the big 2015 El Niño, the 2017 La Niña, and the 2018 weak El Niño, assimilation of satellite SSS improves ENSO forecast validation. Improved SSS and density upgrade the mixed layer depth leading to more accurate coupled air/sea interaction. Finally, we compare 9-month seasonal forecasts initialized from these two reanalyses (i.e. with versus without SSS assimilation) for the tropical Pacific NINO3.4 region over the period, 1981-present.