Variable-Resolution Simulations with the DOE Energy, Exascale, Earth System Model (E3SM)
Variable-Resolution Simulations with the DOE Energy, Exascale, Earth System Model (E3SM)
The Energy, Exascale, Earth System Model (E3SM) consists of components that may be run on global variable-resolution meshes. The ocean, sea ice, and land ice components are based on the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS). Here we present results from global simulations that include high-resolution regions, such as a North American coastal-refined mesh and Southern Ocean-refined meshes. Grid cells vary from 60km at midlatitudes to 5-10km in refined regions. We will discuss how choices in the mesh design can influence simulation results; the trade-off between simulation quality and throughput; what may be gained with refinement in particular regions; and how parameterizations are applied in variable-resolution simulations. Standard model metrics are compared with global high-resolution simulations and observations. Of particular interest are coastal regions and ocean cavities below ice shelves, where the representation of physical processes can be greatly improved by further mesh refinement.