Turbulent Erosion of a Sharp Density Interface
We use randomly actuated synthetic jet arrays (RASJA – Variano & Cowen 2008) to generate high Reynolds number (Reλ ~ 300) horizontally homogeneous isotropic turbulence with negligible secondary mean flows of fresh water above a dense layer. Stereo particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements are collected for turbulence analysis in the forced upper layer. Statistical metrics include turbulent kinetic energy, dissipation, spectra, and integral scales. Simultaneous laser induced fluorescence (LIF) measurements are used to visualize the instantaneous density of the saline layer and quantify entrainment between the two layers.
Mixing is quantified using the formulation described in Zhou et al. (2017), (see image) in which b denotes buoyancy, z* describes a reference point along the isopycnals, κ denotes molecular diffusivity, and κe is an effective diffusivity enhanced by turbulence. Using this method gives a refined metric of buoyancy gradients across the spatio-temporally varying two-dimensional concentration record and allows for a full exploration into what initial conditions (i.e. relative density between layers, turbulent forcing) encourage mixing. By quantifying the interplay between mean shear free homogeneous isotropic turbulence and a sharp density gradient, we aim to deduce under what environmental conditions it is sustainable to discharge brine into relatively quiescent flows.