Three‐Dimensional Signature of the Red Sea Eddies and Eddy‐Induced Transport
Three‐Dimensional Signature of the Red Sea Eddies and Eddy‐Induced Transport
Mesoscale eddies are a dominant feature of the Red Sea circulation, yet their three‐dimensional characteristics remain largely unexplored. This hinders our understanding about eddy‐induced transport in the basin. This study analyzes 14‐year outputs from a high‐resolution eddy‐resolving model to investigate the three‐dimensional signature of the Red Sea eddies, their contribution to the air‐sea flux, and the eddy‐induced transport of heat and salt. Eddies are mostly active and energetic in the central and northern Red Sea. Their variability explains ∼8% of the total variance in the surface heat flux and, particularly, ∼39% in the salt flux. The asymmetric eddy structure and meridional gradient drive significant transport of heat and salt across the basin. A negative feedback mechanism is identified that relates the eddy intensity and the meridional steepness of the mixed layer depth in the basin.