NOAA NCEI CUDEM Program – Continuously-Updated Digital Elevation Models - Development and Research

Matthew R Love1, Christopher Amante2, Kelly S Carignan1, Kelly J Stroker3 and Nicolas Paulo Arcos4, (1)Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, United States, (2)Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)NOAA, National Centers for Environmental Information, Boulder, United States, (4)NOAA Camp Springs, Camp Springs, MD, United States
The DEM development group at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) through the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder develops digital elevation models (DEMs) by seamlessly integrating bathymetric and topographic data sets of disparate age and quality from numerous federal, state, and local government agencies, universities, and non-profit entities to support the modeling of tsunami and storm surge inundation.

Accurate, integrated bathymetric-topographic DEMs are needed because the shape and depth of the ocean floor affects the speed and height of waves, and the coastal land topography primarily determines the inland extent of inundation.

NCEI has developed a methodology for the development of high-resolution DEMs using Free Open-Source Software (FOSS) tools, including custom scripts and programs. FOSS development allows for communities and individuals to participate at minimal cost with a tested and reliable methodology and directing more time/funds to elevation data collection.

Current developments and ongoing research at NCEI include the Continually Updated Digital Elevation Model (CUDEM) framework, research in the development of companion uncertainty grids and refining DEM development methodology using Free Open Source Software (FOSS).