Zooplankton methane production in the oxic surface waters of the Baltic Sea and its contribution to the methane efflux

Oliver Schmale, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Marine Chemistry, Rostock, Germany
Oxic CH4 production in aquatic systems places the CH4 source close to the water-atmosphere interface, thereby allowing a nearly direct emission into the atmosphere. Several processes that produce CH4 in oxic waters have been recently identified and it is assumed that climate change will impact their source strength, with far reaching consequences for CH4 flux and climate feedback. However, the origin of CH4 from the oxic upper water column is still unknown.

Our own studies in the central Baltic Sea show a recurring CH4 accumulation immediately below the thermocline that emerges during the summer months. This anomaly, together with stable carbon isotope signatures of CH4, indicates an in situ biogenic origin. Isotope values and clonal sequences obtained from water column samples suggest methanogenic Archaea as potential producers of CH4 in the oxic water column. To elucidate the particular contribution of zooplankton to sub-thermocline CH4 production, we conducted community and food-specific grazing experiments during a summer cruise. Our experimental results suggest that CH4 enrichment in the eastern basin of the central Baltic Sea may involve diet-consumer relationship between DMSP-rich dinoflagellates and the copepod T. longicornis. This assumption is further supported (1) by characteristic biomarkers in the neutral (storage-) lipids of T. longicornis dominated community, and (2) by sequence analyses, which show that methanogens concentrate on particles and inside T. longicornis, rather than in the free water column. However, our mass balance established for the upper water column of the central Baltic Sea indicates that zooplankton CH4 production rates alone are not sufficient to fully explain the observed CH4 enrichment. These calculations also verify that CH4 is consumed below the thermocline and not transported into the upper water column, suggesting that other, yet unknown sources in the mixed layer are needed to maintain the observed CH4 sea-air flux.