Internal tidal wave energy responsible of lithogenic inputs along the Iberian shelf

Simon Barbot, LEGOS (CNRS, IRD, CNES, Toulouse University 3), ECOLA, Toulouse, France, Marion Lagarde, LEGOS, University Paul Sabatier (IRD, CNES, CNRS, UPS), Toulouse, France, Florent Lyard, LEGOS, Toulouse, France and Catherine Jeandel, LEGOS, Université de Toulouse, (IRD, CNES, CNRS, UPS), Toulouse, France
Following the geochemical measurements from GEOVIDE cruise (PI: Sarthou & Lherminier), the analysis of the particles shows a major lithogenic fraction close to the Iberian shelf up to the polar front. This assesses of a large resuspension of the sediment at 200m, 500m and 800m deep along the shelf slope. The first guessed sources of energy capable of such resuspension are the internal tidal waves (ITW) generated south of the zone. Using T-UGOm (Toulouse Unstructured Grid Ocean model) in a frequency domain configuration for M2 across the Iberian shelf, we confirm the ITW generation due to a strong barotropic energy flux along-shore. Then, we quantify the fraction of the ITW energy participating to the resuspension of the sediment and their export across-shore.