Climate downscaling projections of estuarine acidification and hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay in the 21st century
Climate downscaling projections of estuarine acidification and hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay in the 21st century
Climate change is expected to have more pronounced effects on acidification in estuarine and coastal systems than in the open ocean, but the coupled eutrophication-acidification processes in a changing climate need to be better understood. Using a coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical-carbonate chemistry (ROMS-RCA-CC) model, we conducted climate downscaling projections for ocean acidification and dissolved oxygen in Chesapeake Bay in the 21st century. ROMS-RCA-CC was forced by regionally downscaled and bias-corrected projections from regional and global climate models. The model showed that pH decreases by ~0.3 between 2000 and 2050 and experiences larger reductions in early summer (0.4) than in late summer (0.2). This variation of the pH reduction appears to be related to the earlier initiation and earlier termination of hypoxia in a warming climate. The hypoxic volume is projected to increase by 20-30% while the acidic volume is projected to increase by 50-60% by the mid-21st century. Examination of pH-O2 relationship reveals large and abrupt pH decreases in anoxic waters in the future climate.