Collect once, re-use multiple times: Data archiving at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information

Lauren Jackson, Northern Gulf Institute, Mississippi State University / NOAA NCEI, Stennis Space Center, MS, United States, Katharine Weathers, Northern Gulf Institute, Mississippi State University / NOAA NCEI, Stennis Center, MS, United States, Kirsten Larsen, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Stennis Space Center, MS, United States and Donald W Collins, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Silver Spring, MD, United States
NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) hosts and provides public access to one of the most significant archives for environmental data on Earth. Archiving and preserving environmental data collected by researchers is paramount to scientists and data analysts, as such activities make valuable information accessible for further development and understanding. Archived and curated information can be reused many times for diverse purposes and applications. NCEI has Subject Matter Experts to help steward environmental oceanographic data into the archive. One archival method for single delivery of small data sets (less than 20GB) is NCEI’s Send2NCEI (S2N) archival tool. S2N is an effective tool that can be used by both NOAA and external entities alike to simplify the archival process and allow for comprehensive contribution of data to the NCEI Archive. Data submitted and archived using S2N contributes to NCEI’s data holdings, integrated products, and also contributes to a single discovery point through standardized metadata creation, for a diverse range of environmental observations data. Once archived, NCEI makes data publicly available for long-term scientific analysis and reuse. This user-friendly tool simplifies data submission and metadata creation by walking the data provider through the whole submission process. Thus, simplicity, comprehensiveness and effectiveness both for data providers and users are features of S2N. This talk will discuss key features of S2N, considerations for submitting a complete data package, and how NCEI can assist providers with data management through S2N data submissions.