All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS program) Town Hall
All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS program) Town Hall
All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS program) Town Hall
Session ID#: 100307
Session Description:
The All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS) is a community-based programmatic approach to support the implementation of an integrated basin-scale observing system ‘that benefits all of us living, working and relying on the ocean’. The AtlantOS program is in the process to develop five use cases that demonstrate how AtlantOS generates value through (1) community building by bringing the ocean observation partners in the Atlantic region together to build a common system, (2) the services for society by interpreting and presenting information to provide the tools needed to bridge the gulf between science and society, and (3) communicating the results by engaging with users and ensure that AtlantOS is responsive to the needs of society. The use cases cover:
- Mitigating Impacts of Sargassum on Coastal Communities in the Tropical Atlantic
- Providing Basin-Scale Climate Services – Atlantic Meridional Ocean Circulation
- Supporting Ecosystems Based Management for Fisheries in Atlantic Upwelling Regions
- Carbon Uptake – Identifying sources and sinks of carbon
- Networks to predict and explain marine animal movements in a changing environment
The AtlantOS Steering Group and Secretariat will host this town hall to give the broader community an opportunity to provide input and recommendations to the AtlantOS program. AtlantOS sees itself as one mechanism to follow up on the recommendation of the OceanObs19 conference and supports GOOS and the GEO Blue Planet initiative. Politically, AtlantOS benefits from the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance initiated through the Galway Statement (2013) and the Belém Statement (2017).
Moderator: Martin Visbeck, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Primary Contact: Sandra Ketelhake, German Marine Research Consortium, Berlin, Germany
Presenters: Brad DeYoung, Memorial University, Physics and Physical Oceanography, St John's, NF, Canada, Sandra Ketelhake, German Marine Research Consortium, Berlin, Germany, Tarron Lamont, Oceans & Coasts Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment; University of Cape Town; Bayworld Centre for Research and Education, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Cape Town 8012, South Africa and Emily Smail, University of Maryland and NOAA, College Park, MD, United States
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
See more of: Town Hall