OSM Storytellers Series sponsored by ASLO

Session ID#: 100448

Session Description:
The ASLO Storytellers Series is an initiative to increase the visibility of aquatic sciences through common shared experiences. The ASLO Outreach Committee created the Storytellers Series in 2016, and continues to launch events across the globe during joint scientific meetings. The Storytellers Series utilizes existing public library story times as opportunities for outreach focused on the aquatic sciences. Every city has public libraries, and many have dedicated children story times. The event is a book reading-career day mash-up. We invite meeting participants to volunteer for storytelling opportunities at local libraries while in San Diego. It's a great opportunity to engage with the local community and share your stories. For more information and to volunteer, please contact Bob Chen (Bob.Chen@umb.edu).
Submitter:  Allison A. Fong, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven, Germany
Onsite Contact:  Robert F Chen, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, United States

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