Benthic Controls on the Marine Silica Cycle: Continental Margins to Open Ocean Posters

Session ID#: 85193

Session Description:
From modeling to novel methodological applications, recent studies in marine sediments have altered our conceptualization of the present day marine silica cycle and prompted re-evaluations of paleorecords. These studies take us further towards understanding processes which control silica fluxes from submarine groundwater discharge, lithogenic mineral dissolution, marine silicate weathering, biogenic silica burial among various organisms (diatoms, Rhizaria, sponges), bioturbated sediments, authigenic clay formation, low-temperature basalt alteration, hydrothermal systems, and biological uptake and release of silica by benthic organisms (sponges, benthic diatoms). At the same time, they also highlight how little we still know about the marine sedimentary silica cycle and its coupling with carbon, major seawater constituents (e.g., K , Mg , F-, HCO3-), trace elements (e.g., Li, Ge, REEs), and other nutrients (e.g., N, P, Fe). This session will address topics emphasizing the diagenesis of silica from the land/sea interface to the open ocean.  Field observations, experimental approaches, and modeling studies related to re-evaluation of paleorecords, novel proxy  development, or other understudied portions of the marine silica cycle (e.g., dust dissolution) are welcome. Coupled biogeochemical studies and ones which make explicit benthos€-water column-€atmospheric or climate/CO2 feedback connections in the modern ocean or through geological time are encouraged.
  • MG - Marine Geology and Sedimentology
  • PC - Past, Present and Future Climate
Index Terms:

4804 Benthic processes, benthos [OCEANOGRAPHY: BIOLOGICAL]
4805 Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling [OCEANOGRAPHY: CHEMICAL]
4825 Geochemistry [OCEANOGRAPHY: CHEMICAL]
4845 Nutrients and nutrient cycling [OCEANOGRAPHY: CHEMICAL]
Primary Chair:  Shaily Rahman, University of Colorado Boulder, Geological Sciences, Ft Walton Beach, United States
Co-chairs:  Claudia Ehlert, University of Oldenburg, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Oldenburg, Germany and Jeffrey W Krause, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL, United States
Primary Liaison:  Shaily Rahman, University of Colorado Boulder, Geological Sciences, Ft Walton Beach, United States
Moderators:  Claudia Ehlert, University of Oldenburg, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Oldenburg, Germany and Jeffrey W Krause, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL, United States
Student Paper Review Liaison:  Shaily Rahman, University of Colorado Boulder, Geological Sciences, Ft Walton Beach, United States

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

The silica cycle in the modern ocean (640348)
Paul J Treguer, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France, Jill Sutton, University of Western Brittany, Plouzané, France, Stephen B Baines, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States, Mark A Brzezinski, University of California, Marine Science Institute, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, Matthew A Charette, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry, Woods Hole, United States, Timothy J DeVries, University of California, Santa Barabara, Earth Research Institute and Department of Geography, Santa Barabara, United States, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, United States, Claudia Ehlert, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany, Jon Hawkings, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8, United Kingdom, Aude Leynaert, CNRS, LEMAR IUEM, Plouzané, France, Su Mei Liu, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, Natalia Llopis Monferrer, University of Western Brittany, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Plouzané, France, Manuel Maldonado, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes, Department of Marine Ecology, Blanes, Spain, Shaily Rahman, University of Colorado Boulder, Geological Sciences, Ft Walton Beach, United States, Lihua Ran, The second institute of Ocanography, State Oceanic Adiministration, HANGZHOU, China and Olivier Rouxel, Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR6538, Plouzané, France
Silicon transport in deep-water sponges deciphered: ecophysiological, evolutionary and biogeochemical implications (643722)
Manuel Maldonado1, María López-Acosta1, Lindsay Beazley2, Vasiliki Koutsouveli3, Ellen Kenchington4 and Ana Riesgo5, (1)Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB, CSIC), Department of Marine Ecology, Blanes, Spain, (2)Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, NS, Canada, (3)The Natural History Musem of London, Department of Life Sciences, London, United Kingdom, (4)Bedforf Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, NS, Canada, (5)The Natural History Museum of London, Department of Life Sciences, London, United Kingdom
Dissolved Silicon Isotope Dynamics in Large River Estuaries (645215)
Zhimian Cao1, Zhouling Zhang2, Dr. Patricia Grasse3, Minhan Dai4, Lei Gao5, Henning Kuhnert6, Martha Gledhill7, Cristiano M Chiessi8, Kristin Doering9 and Martin Frank7, (1)Xiamen University, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science; College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen, China, (2)State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, (3)GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Kiel, Germany, (4)Xiamen University, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen, China, (5)State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, (6)Department of Geosciences & MARUM University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, (7)GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, (8)University of São Paulo, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, São Paulo, Brazil, (9)Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Are Diatoms the Main Biogenic Silica Substrate for Authigenic Products in Marine Deltaic Sediments? (648996)
Jeffrey W Krause1,2, Rebecca A Pickering1,3, Lucie Cassarino4, Katharine R Hendry4, Xiangli Shaun Wang1,5 and Kanchan Maiti6, (1)Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL, United States, (2)University of South Alabama, Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Mobile, United States, (3)University of South Alabama, Marine Sciences, Mobile, AL, United States, (4)University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom, (5)University of South Alabama, Department of Marine Sciences, Mobile, AL, United States, (6)Louisiana State University, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
Resolving Stable Silicon Isotope Signatures in Reactive Silicon Pools of Coastal Marine Sediments (652659)
Rebecca A Pickering1,2, Lucie Cassarino3, Katharine R Hendry3, Xiangli L Wang1,2, Kanchan Maiti4 and Jeffrey W Krause2,5, (1)University of South Alabama, Marine Sciences, Mobile, AL, United States, (2)Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL, United States, (3)University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom, (4)Louisiana State University, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Baton Rouge, LA, United States, (5)University of South Alabama, Marine Sciences, Mobile, United States
Geochemical behavior of Si and Li in a siliciclastic subterranean estuary (654743)
Shaily Rahman, University of Colorado Boulder, Geological Sciences, Ft Walton Beach, United States and Jonathan B. Martin, University of Florida, Geological Sciences, Gainesville, United States
Benthic cycling of silicon in Arctic and subarctic shelf sediments: insights from silicon isotopes (643678)
Katharine R Hendry1, Hong Chin Ng1, James Ward2, Felipe Sales de Freitas2, Rebecca A Pickering3,4, Jeffrey W Krause3,5, Sian F Henley6, Sandra Arndt7, Johan Faust8, Allyson Tessin9 and Christian März8, (1)University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom, (2)University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, (3)Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL, United States, (4)University of South Alabama, Marine Sciences, Mobile, AL, United States, (5)University of South Alabama, Marine Sciences, Mobile, United States, (6)University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, (7)Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel, Belgium, (8)University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, (9)Kent State University Kent Campus, Kent, United States
Sucking up the silica: Extensive authigenic clay mineral formation in Arctic shelf sediments? (640569)
Christian Maerz, University of Leeds, School of Earth & Environment, Leeds, United Kingdom, Mark Zindorf, IFREMER, Plouzané, France, Allyson Tessin, Kent State University Kent Campus, Kent, United States and Johan Faust, Geological Survey of Norway, Marine Geology, Trondheim, Norway; University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Water Depth is a Proxy Variable for Benthic Silica Recycling in the Baltic Sea (654524)
Per O J Hall1, Nils Ekeroth1, Mikhail Y. Kononets1, Stefano Bonaglia2, Volker Brüchert3 and Anders Tengberg4, (1)University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden, (2)University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Science, Sweden, (3)Stockholm University, Geological Sciences and Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm, Sweden, (4)Chalmers University of Techonology, Shipping and Marine Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Interactions of Biogenic opal, Sediments and Seawater in the Southern Ocean Tracked by Stable Silicon Isotope in Pore Waters (644231)
Ivia Closset, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, Mark A Brzezinski, University of California, Marine Science Institute, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, Damien Cardinal, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, LOCEAN, Paris, France, Arnaud Dapoigny, LSCE, Gif sur Yvette, France, Janice Jones, University of California Santa Barbara, Marine Science Institute, Santa Barbara, CA, United States and Rebecca S Robinson, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, United States
Rhizarians and diatoms: their relative impact in the silicon cycle in the Southern Ocean (Ross Sea) (646570)
Natalia Llopis Monferrer, University of Western Brittany, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Plouzané, France, Brivaëla Moriceau, CNRS, LEMAR, IUEM Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Plouzané, France, Andres Gutierrez-Rodriguez, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand, Marine Biogeochemistry, Wellington, New Zealand, Fabrice Not, CNRS, Station Biologique, Roscoff, France, Paul Tréguer, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France and Aude Leynaert, CNRS, LEMAR IUEM, Plouzané, France
Differences in Dissolution Characteristics of Biogenic Silica Among Diatom Species (650162)
Hitomi Yamaguchi1, Kuninao Tada1 and Kazuhiko Ichimi2, (1)Kagawa University, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa, Japan, (2)Kagawa University, Seto Inland Sea Research Center, Kagawa, Japan