Workshop: Making Media Work for You, Your Data and Ocean Science

Session ID#: 91843

Session Description:
The Blue Beat Media Workshop is designed to empower different groups, including conservation scientists, on how to broaden their effectiveness communicating key issues they work on. It will offer practical examples on how to turn their findings into engaging stories for journalists, editors and general audiences. The panel leaders, including a long-time journalist, cameraman/editor and public relations professional, will provide useful insights, take story "pitches" based on attendees' work and critique them, do hands on training for simple video production skills, and break down the participants into different media forums (print, broadcast, social media) to generate story ideas and engage in feedback and Q&A before providing handouts based on the workshop.

Watch this video to learn more

Submitter:  David Helvarg, Blue Front Campaign, Washington, DC, United States
Onsite Contact:  Eleanor Kerlow, Blue Frontier Campaign, Washington, DC, United States

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