Can We Talk? Difficult Conversations with Underrepresented People of Color: Sense of Belonging and Obstacles to STEM Fields

Session ID#: 98691

Session Description:
The film looks at various obstacles and impediments--structural, cultural, psychological, and institutional--that effectively limit the inclusion and participation of underrepresented people of color in STEM fields. Film by Kendall Moore, Department of Journalism, University of Rhode Island.
Submitter:  Kendall Moore, University of Rhode Island, Journalism and Film Media, Narragansett, United States
Onsite Contact:  Kendall Moore, University of Rhode Island, Journalism and Film Media, Narragansett, United States
Presenter:  Kendall Moore, University of Rhode Island, Journalism and Film Media, Narragansett, United States

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

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