ULF waves and the Ionosphere (Invited)

Monday, 1 September 2014: 3:30 PM
Regency Ballroom (Hyatt Regency)
Colin L Waters1, Murray D Sciffer2, Robert L Lysak3 and Leila Norouzi Sedeh2, (1)University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia, (2)University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia, (3)University of Minnesota Twin Cities, School of Physics and Astronomy, Minneapolis, MN, United States
ULF waves in the Pc3-5 (1-100 mHz) band respond to conditions in the magnetosphere, prompting the investigation and development of remote sensing techniques using these signals. An important factor in these endeavours is the near-Earth boundary of space, the ionosphere, where ULF plasma waves transition to electromagnetic perturbations that are routinely detected by ground-based magnetometers. Several effects on ULF wave amplitude and phase properties caused by transition through the ionosphere have been known for some time, while others are more recent developments. In this paper, the important ionospheric effects on ULF properties detected at the ground and in the ionosphere through radar and Doppler sounder data are discussed. In addition, results from recent ULF wave simulations that include altitude varying ionosphere parameters are discussed and compared with experimental observations.