Global Modeling of ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere: Propagation of Pi1/2 Waves (Invited)

Monday, 1 September 2014: 3:00 PM
Regency Ballroom (Hyatt Regency)
Robert L Lysak1, Yan Song1, Colin L Waters2 and Murray D Sciffer3, (1)University of Minnesota Twin Cities, School of Physics and Astronomy, Minneapolis, MN, United States, (2)University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia, (3)University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia
A new three-dimensional model of ULF waves using non-orthogonal dipolar coordinates has been developed that simulates the propagation of fast mode and shear Alfvén waves in the inner magnetosphere. This model includes distributed conductivities in a height-resolved ionosphere and directly calculates the ground magnetic fields produced by these currents. This model will be applied to the propagation of Pi1/2 waves that are produced during magnetospheric substorms. Possible mechanisms for the generation of these waves will be considered. Using the new model, the magnetic and electric fields observed on the ground, in the ionosphere, and by spacecraft in the magnetosphere can be modeled and compared with observations. It will be shown that ULF wave propagation can transmit energy and carry field-aligned currents throughout the inner magnetosphere on time scales of less than a minute. The implications of this fast propagation during the onset of storms and substorms will be considered.