Simulating the MADE plume through high resolution characterization
Advection-dispersion models are capable of simulating the flow and transport through porous media in homogeneous and mildly heterogeneous conditions. However, extent and distribution of contaminants can be very challenging to determine in case of highly heterogeneous media and requires high resolution characterization of hydraulic conductivity (K). The Macro Dispersion Experiment (MADE) site in Mississippi is a well-known example of a highly heterogeneous aquifer with ln K variance of 6.6. The anomalous transport behavior reported after several large scale natural gradient experiments has been a long standing challenge since 1980’s. Numerous advanced methods, including dual-domain mass transfer, preferential flow paths approach, and fractal version of advection-dispersion equation, were tested to reproduce pronounced behavior.This study presents a novel framework to reproduce anomalous transport behavior using fundamental advection-dispersion approach supported with 3D high resolution K information. High resolution K data were coupled with fractal methods to generate 3D parameter fields which represent the level of heterogeneity and connectivity in the subsurface. This approach allows us to base our simulations on solely field data and improves the predictive power of flow and transport simulations. The outcomes of this alternative approach successfully reproduced the multi peak nature of the MADE data. Additionally, hydrologic facies information derived from full resolution 3D ground penetrating radar (GPR) data was used to distinguish different K distributions through distinct levels of the aquifer. This study also presents the added value of geophysics, as a non-invasive tool, for providing supportive data. GPR method aids to fill the spatial gap between boreholes and allows us to investigate the physical and geometrical properties of the distinctive layers.