Author Index:



Abdrashitova, R.
48260Abstract Title: Geo-fluid model formation groundwater OF petroleum horizons Western megablock of the West Siberian megabasin
Adam, A.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Amann, F.
48278Abstract Title: Joint Impact of Fracture Topography and Aperture Distribution on Flow and Transport
Ankidawa, B. Sr.
38276Abstract Title: Assessing Suitability of Hand Drilling Techniques for Abstracting Shallow Alluvial Aquifers along River Benue Floodplain, North Eastern Nigeria
Annable, M. D.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Aquino, T.
48274Abstract Title: Point mixing rate potential in heterogeneous velocity fields
Attinger, S.
48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods
Attinger, S.
48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?
Aubeneau, A. F.
59211Abstract Title: Turbulent Hyporheic Exchange in Permeable Sediments, 59541Abstract Title: Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity on Nutrient Dynamics in Rivers


B N, P.
48216Abstract Title: Parameter Estimation in Coastal Phreatic Aquifer near Mukka (Karnataka, India)
Bakhos, T.
59161Abstract Title: Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer
Bakshevskaia, V. A.
48203Abstract Title: Advective and diffusive contaminant transport through heterogeneous sandy-clay formation
Barrash, W.
59161Abstract Title: Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer
Bayer, P.
48285Abstract Title: A Stochastic Approach to Characterize Discrete Fracture Network Patterns of Heterogeneous Media
Bayer, P.
48278Abstract Title: Joint Impact of Fracture Topography and Aperture Distribution on Flow and Transport
Bellin, A.
48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods
Benson, D. A.
48254Abstract Title: Upscaling at the MADE site: When, Why, How, and What Next? (Invited), 48279Abstract Title: Simulating the MADE plume through high resolution characterization, 48290Abstract Title: Small Time Asymptotics of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number and the Effect on Velocity Correlation , 59309Abstract Title: Comparison of the Classical Advection Dispersion Equation and a Temporally Nonlocal Version of the Advection Dispersion Equation to Model Solute Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Media at the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) Site.
Bianchi, M.
48155Abstract Title: Explaining "anomalous" solute transport at the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) site from a geological perspective
Bohling, G.
48019Abstract Title: Modelling Non-Linear Spatial Dependence with Applications to MADE Hydraulic Conductivity Data, 48085Abstract Title: The impact of non-Gaussian logconductivity distributions on transport, with application to the MADE experiment., 48139Abstract Title: Reassessing the MADE direct-push hydraulic conductivity data using an improved calibration procedure, 48281Abstract Title: Recent advances in hydrogeologic characterization of the shallow subsurface using direct-push technology
Bolster, D.
59145Abstract Title: The Spatial Markov Model for Preasymptotic and Anomalous Transport - To correlate or not to correlate?, 59541Abstract Title: Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity on Nutrient Dynamics in Rivers
Bolster, D.
48274Abstract Title: Point mixing rate potential in heterogeneous velocity fields, 48290Abstract Title: Small Time Asymptotics of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number and the Effect on Velocity Correlation
Boso, F.
59151Abstract Title: Prediction of Solute Concentration in the Presence of Uncertainty: beyond Moments
Bourhane, A.
48112Abstract Title: Harmonic analysis of hydrogeological time-series: a new high-resolution method to characterize highly heterogeneous coastal aquifers
Bouzaglou, V.
48276Abstract Title: Assimilation of Contamination Data for the Hydrogeological Characterization of a Heterogeneous Aquifer
Butler, J. J. Jr
9989Abstract Title: New high-resolution methods to characterize highly heterogeneous aquifers, 9993Abstract Title: Poster Session, 48139Abstract Title: Reassessing the MADE direct-push hydraulic conductivity data using an improved calibration procedure, 48279Abstract Title: Simulating the MADE plume through high resolution characterization, 48281Abstract Title: Recent advances in hydrogeologic characterization of the shallow subsurface using direct-push technology


Cardiff, M. A.
59161Abstract Title: Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer
Cherry, J. A.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Cho, J.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Comolli, A.
38277Abstract Title: Quantification of Anomalous Transport in Correlated Heterogeneous Media Using Coupled Continuous Time Random Walks
Cordier, E.
48112Abstract Title: Harmonic analysis of hydrogeological time-series: a new high-resolution method to characterize highly heterogeneous coastal aquifers
Cremeans, M.
59567Abstract Title: Preliminary Testing of a Streambed PVP, and its Application to Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Stream in Jutland, Denmark
Cunningham, K. J.
48201Abstract Title: Characterizing the Hydraulic Conductivity of the Biscayne Aquifer of South Florida
Cvetkovic, V.
9991Abstract Title: Alternatives to Local ADE-based Models for Highly Heterogeneous Media, 38267Abstract Title: Field-scale tracer experiment in an aquifer with highly variable hydraulic and retention properties: Can modelling predict the outcome with reasonable confidence?, 48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?, 48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods


Dagan, G.
9988Abstract Title: Can Local ADE-based Models with Sufficient Detail Successfully Predict Transport?, 48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?, 48102Abstract Title: From heterogeneity characterization to prediction of transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers (with application to MADE), 48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods, 59161Abstract Title: Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer, 59605Abstract Title: Modeling Remediation of a Polluted Aquifer in Israel
de Barros, F.
48121Abstract Title: Assessing Uncertainty in Groundwater-Driven Human Health Risk Predictions
Dentz, M.
38277Abstract Title: Quantification of Anomalous Transport in Correlated Heterogeneous Media Using Coupled Continuous Time Random Walks, 47991Abstract Title: Continuous Time Random Walks for Non-Fickian Solute Transport Under Heterogeneous Flow and Mass Transfer For Uniform and Radial Flow Conditions (Invited), 48250Abstract Title: Topological characteristics and channel properties of porous media that underpin anomalous transport
Devlin, J. F.
59567Abstract Title: Preliminary Testing of a Streambed PVP, and its Application to Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Stream in Jutland, Denmark
Dietrich, P.
38289Abstract Title: Chasing the tracer - combining conventional salt tracer testing with Direct Push electrical conductivity logging for the characterization of a highly permeable fluviatile aquifer, 48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?, 48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods, 48157Abstract Title: Direct push driven in situ color logging tool for high resolution characterization of soils and unconsolidated sediments, 59237Abstract Title: Goal-Oriented Site Characterization: High Permeability Zones and Preferential Flow Paths, 61835Abstract Title: Progress in hydraulic methods since the beginning of MADE - Opportunities and limitations for the investigation of highly heterogeneous aquifers (Invited)
Dogan, M.
44166Abstract Title: Tomogram-based Appraisal of Geostatistical Models, 48279Abstract Title: Simulating the MADE plume through high resolution characterization, 61833Abstract Title: Quantifying the Value of High Resolution Characterization Data for Flow and Transport Predictions at the Highly Heterogeneous MADE Site
Doss, P. K.
59160Abstract Title: Characterizing Heterogeneous Groundwater Discharge in the Headwaters of the White River, Manistee National Forest, Michigan


Englert, A.
48202Abstract Title: High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited)


Faybishenko, B.
48193Abstract Title: Complexity, Nonlinear Dynamics, Emergence and the Origin of Stochastic Fractals in Hydrological, Biogeochemical and Sedimentation Processes (Invited)
Fernandez-Garcia, D.
48094Abstract Title: Rethinking the Breakthrough Curve: Effects of Heterogeneity and Reducing the Associated Uncertainty, 59579Abstract Title: Can Local ADE-based Models with Sufficient Detail Predict the Anomalous Transport Observed at the MADE Site (Invited)
Fiori, A.
9993Abstract Title: Poster Session, 48085Abstract Title: The impact of non-Gaussian logconductivity distributions on transport, with application to the MADE experiment., 48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?, 48102Abstract Title: From heterogeneity characterization to prediction of transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers (with application to MADE), 48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods
Fogg, G. E.
48269Abstract Title: The MADE Site and Limitations of the Hydrologic Approach
Ford, C. M.
59160Abstract Title: Characterizing Heterogeneous Groundwater Discharge in the Headwaters of the White River, Manistee National Forest, Michigan
Frippiat, C. C.
48158Abstract Title: Time-scale-dependent analysis of multiple-peaked breakthrough curves obtained in weakly stratified aquifers


Gable, C. W.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource
Gloaguen, E.
48276Abstract Title: Assimilation of Contamination Data for the Hydrogeological Characterization of a Heterogeneous Aquifer
Gómez-Hernández, J. J.
59574Abstract Title: Geostatistical Property Modeling
Gómez-Hernández, J.
9990Abstract Title: Geostatistical Property Modeling, 9993Abstract Title: Poster Session, 9994Abstract Title: Round Table Discussion with Emphasis on Prospects for the Future, 48127Abstract Title: Bridging Multiple-point Geostatistics and Parameter Estimation for Better Flow and Transport Modeling, 48133Abstract Title: Joint characterization of non-Gaussian hydraulic conductivities and non-Gaussian porosities by the normal-score ensemble Kalman filter
Gorman, G.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Gorokhovski, V.
48176Abstract Title: Advective Mass Transport through Porous Media Taking Based on Hydrodynamic Dispersion
Gueting, N.
48202Abstract Title: High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited)


Hampson, G.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Hampton, D. R.
48282Abstract Title: Can local ADE-based models predict contaminant breakthrough?, 59160Abstract Title: Characterizing Heterogeneous Groundwater Discharge in the Headwaters of the White River, Manistee National Forest, Michigan
Harken, B.
59237Abstract Title: Goal-Oriented Site Characterization: High Permeability Zones and Preferential Flow Paths
Haslauer, C. P.
48019Abstract Title: Modelling Non-Linear Spatial Dependence with Applications to MADE Hydraulic Conductivity Data
Hatfield, K.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Hausmann, J.
48157Abstract Title: Direct push driven in situ color logging tool for high resolution characterization of soils and unconsolidated sediments
Herbert, A. W.
48205Abstract Title: Inverse flow and transport modelling to understand contaminant transport experiments in a highly heterogeneous shear zone at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland
Hochstetler, D. L.
59161Abstract Title: Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer
Holzner, M.
48250Abstract Title: Topological characteristics and channel properties of porous media that underpin anomalous transport
Huber, E.
38066Abstract Title: Comparison of different conceptual models for uncertainty propagation on contaminant transport prediction, 38289Abstract Title: Chasing the tracer - combining conventional salt tracer testing with Direct Push electrical conductivity logging for the characterization of a highly permeable fluviatile aquifer
Huggenberger, P.
38066Abstract Title: Comparison of different conceptual models for uncertainty propagation on contaminant transport prediction, 38289Abstract Title: Chasing the tracer - combining conventional salt tracer testing with Direct Push electrical conductivity logging for the characterization of a highly permeable fluviatile aquifer
Hunt, A. G.
38266Abstract Title: Percolation theory for solute transport in realistic porous media
Hyndman, D. W.
9989Abstract Title: New high-resolution methods to characterize highly heterogeneous aquifers, 48279Abstract Title: Simulating the MADE plume through high resolution characterization, 59158Abstract Title: Quantifying Impacts of Solute Transport on Time Lapse ERT at a Michigan Ecotone, 61833Abstract Title: Quantifying the Value of High Resolution Characterization Data for Flow and Transport Predictions at the Highly Heterogeneous MADE Site


Jackson, M.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Jacquemyn, C.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Jalali, M.
48285Abstract Title: A Stochastic Approach to Characterize Discrete Fracture Network Patterns of Heterogeneous Media
Jankovic, I.
48102Abstract Title: From heterogeneity characterization to prediction of transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers (with application to MADE)
Jerjen, I.
48250Abstract Title: Topological characteristics and channel properties of porous media that underpin anomalous transport
Join, J. L.
48112Abstract Title: Harmonic analysis of hydrogeological time-series: a new high-resolution method to characterize highly heterogeneous coastal aquifers


Kalbacher, T.
59237Abstract Title: Goal-Oriented Site Characterization: High Permeability Zones and Preferential Flow Paths
Kang, P. K.
47991Abstract Title: Continuous Time Random Walks for Non-Fickian Solute Transport Under Heterogeneous Flow and Mass Transfer For Uniform and Radial Flow Conditions (Invited)
Kelley, S.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource
Kitanidis, P. K.
59161Abstract Title: Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer
Klammler, H.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Klotzsche, A.
48202Abstract Title: High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited)
Knobbe, S.
48281Abstract Title: Recent advances in hydrogeologic characterization of the shallow subsurface using direct-push technology
Kouznetsov, M.
59605Abstract Title: Modeling Remediation of a Polluted Aquifer in Israel
Kreck, M.
38289Abstract Title: Chasing the tracer - combining conventional salt tracer testing with Direct Push electrical conductivity logging for the characterization of a highly permeable fluviatile aquifer
Kuhl, A.
59158Abstract Title: Quantifying Impacts of Solute Transport on Time Lapse ERT at a Michigan Ecotone
Kulkarni, N. H.
48255Abstract Title: Numerical Simulation of Solute Transport in Groundwater Flow System


Le Borgne, T.
47991Abstract Title: Continuous Time Random Walks for Non-Fickian Solute Transport Under Heterogeneous Flow and Mass Transfer For Uniform and Radial Flow Conditions (Invited)
Lee, J.
48193Abstract Title: Complexity, Nonlinear Dynamics, Emergence and the Origin of Stochastic Fractals in Hydrological, Biogeochemical and Sedimentation Processes (Invited)
Lekhov, V.
48203Abstract Title: Advective and diffusive contaminant transport through heterogeneous sandy-clay formation
Li, A.
59541Abstract Title: Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity on Nutrient Dynamics in Rivers
Li, L.
48127Abstract Title: Bridging Multiple-point Geostatistics and Parameter Estimation for Better Flow and Transport Modeling
Linde, N.
44166Abstract Title: Tomogram-based Appraisal of Geostatistical Models
Liu, G.
48139Abstract Title: Reassessing the MADE direct-push hydraulic conductivity data using an improved calibration procedure, 48281Abstract Title: Recent advances in hydrogeologic characterization of the shallow subsurface using direct-push technology
Lochbühler, T.
44166Abstract Title: Tomogram-based Appraisal of Geostatistical Models
Löfgren, M.
48207Abstract Title: Investigating the aperture of hydraulically conductive fractures in crystalline rock by electrical means.


Mahesha, A.
48216Abstract Title: Parameter Estimation in Coastal Phreatic Aquifer near Mukka (Karnataka, India)
Manga, M.
38288Abstract Title: Effect of large earthquakes on groundwater transport
Mcmillan, L. A.
48205Abstract Title: Inverse flow and transport modelling to understand contaminant transport experiments in a highly heterogeneous shear zone at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland
Meerschaert, M. M.
48254Abstract Title: Upscaling at the MADE site: When, Why, How, and What Next? (Invited), 48279Abstract Title: Simulating the MADE plume through high resolution characterization
Meus, P.
48158Abstract Title: Time-scale-dependent analysis of multiple-peaked breakthrough curves obtained in weakly stratified aquifers
Miller, S.
59309Abstract Title: Comparison of the Classical Advection Dispersion Equation and a Temporally Nonlocal Version of the Advection Dispersion Equation to Model Solute Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Media at the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) Site.
Mohan Kumar, M.
48216Abstract Title: Parameter Estimation in Coastal Phreatic Aquifer near Mukka (Karnataka, India)
Molz, F. J.
48193Abstract Title: Complexity, Nonlinear Dynamics, Emergence and the Origin of Stochastic Fractals in Hydrological, Biogeochemical and Sedimentation Processes (Invited)
Morales, V. L.
48250Abstract Title: Topological characteristics and channel properties of porous media that underpin anomalous transport
Moreno, Z.
59605Abstract Title: Modeling Remediation of a Polluted Aquifer in Israel


Newman, M.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Niu, G. Y.
38287Abstract Title: Hydrological modeling of transport phenomena at the Landscape Evolution Observatory


O'Malley, D.
48060Abstract Title: Stochastic inverse tomography of highly heterogeneous aquifers
Osman, H.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Owens, L.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource


Packman, A. I.
59211Abstract Title: Turbulent Hyporheic Exchange in Permeable Sediments, 59541Abstract Title: Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity on Nutrient Dynamics in Rivers
Pain, C.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Pangle, L. A.
38287Abstract Title: Hydrological modeling of transport phenomena at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
Paniconi, C.
38287Abstract Title: Hydrological modeling of transport phenomena at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
Parker, B. L.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Parras, S. J.
48285Abstract Title: A Stochastic Approach to Characterize Discrete Fracture Network Patterns of Heterogeneous Media
Pasetto, D.
38287Abstract Title: Hydrological modeling of transport phenomena at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
Paster, A.
59605Abstract Title: Modeling Remediation of a Polluted Aquifer in Israel
Pavlidis, D.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Pehme, P.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures
Peng, W. S.
48282Abstract Title: Can local ADE-based models predict contaminant breakthrough?
Pepin, J.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource
Percival, J. R.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Perez-reche, F. J.
48250Abstract Title: Topological characteristics and channel properties of porous media that underpin anomalous transport
Person, M. A.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource
Phillips, F. M.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource
Pirot, G.
38066Abstract Title: Comparison of different conceptual models for uncertainty propagation on contaminant transport prediction
Pozdniakov, S. P.
48203Abstract Title: Advective and diffusive contaminant transport through heterogeneous sandy-clay formation
Putti, M.
38287Abstract Title: Hydrological modeling of transport phenomena at the Landscape Evolution Observatory


Quinn, P.
48177Abstract Title: A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures


Rabinovich, A.
59161Abstract Title: Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer
Reboulet, E. C.
48281Abstract Title: Recent advances in hydrogeologic characterization of the shallow subsurface using direct-push technology
Renard, P.
38066Abstract Title: Comparison of different conceptual models for uncertainty propagation on contaminant transport prediction
Riley, M. S.
48205Abstract Title: Inverse flow and transport modelling to understand contaminant transport experiments in a highly heterogeneous shear zone at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland
Roche, K. R.
59211Abstract Title: Turbulent Hyporheic Exchange in Permeable Sediments
Rubin, Y.
48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?, 48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods, 59237Abstract Title: Goal-Oriented Site Characterization: High Permeability Zones and Preferential Flow Paths


Salinas, P.
48174Abstract Title: Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization for Improved Modelling of Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
Sanchez-Vila, X.
48094Abstract Title: Rethinking the Breakthrough Curve: Effects of Heterogeneity and Reducing the Associated Uncertainty
Schneidewind, U.
59237Abstract Title: Goal-Oriented Site Characterization: High Permeability Zones and Preferential Flow Paths
Scudeler, C.
38287Abstract Title: Hydrological modeling of transport phenomena at the Landscape Evolution Observatory
Siirila-Woodburn, E. R.
48094Abstract Title: Rethinking the Breakthrough Curve: Effects of Heterogeneity and Reducing the Associated Uncertainty
Somogyvari, M.
48285Abstract Title: A Stochastic Approach to Characterize Discrete Fracture Network Patterns of Heterogeneous Media
Srinivasan, S.
48127Abstract Title: Bridging Multiple-point Geostatistics and Parameter Estimation for Better Flow and Transport Modeling
Straubhaar, J.
38066Abstract Title: Comparison of different conceptual models for uncertainty propagation on contaminant transport prediction
Sukop, M. C.
48201Abstract Title: Characterizing the Hydraulic Conductivity of the Biscayne Aquifer of South Florida
Sund, N. L.
48290Abstract Title: Small Time Asymptotics of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number and the Effect on Velocity Correlation
Svensson, U.
48236Abstract Title: Modelling flow and transport in a granitic rock, with focus on the sub metre scale


Tank, J. L.
59541Abstract Title: Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity on Nutrient Dynamics in Rivers
Tartakovsky, D. M.
59151Abstract Title: Prediction of Solute Concentration in the Presence of Uncertainty: beyond Moments
Teutsch, G.
48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?, 48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods
Timmons, S.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource
Troch, P. A. A.
38287Abstract Title: Hydrological modeling of transport phenomena at the Landscape Evolution Observatory


Van Dam, R. L.
48279Abstract Title: Simulating the MADE plume through high resolution characterization
Van Dam, R. L.
44166Abstract Title: Tomogram-based Appraisal of Geostatistical Models, 61833Abstract Title: Quantifying the Value of High Resolution Characterization Data for Flow and Transport Predictions at the Highly Heterogeneous MADE Site
Van Der Kruk, J.
48202Abstract Title: High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited)
Vanderborght, J.
48202Abstract Title: High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited)
Vereecken, H.
48202Abstract Title: High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited)
Veschkens, M.
48158Abstract Title: Time-scale-dependent analysis of multiple-peaked breakthrough curves obtained in weakly stratified aquifers
Vesselinov, V. V.
48060Abstract Title: Stochastic inverse tomography of highly heterogeneous aquifers
Vienken, T.
38289Abstract Title: Chasing the tracer - combining conventional salt tracer testing with Direct Push electrical conductivity logging for the characterization of a highly permeable fluviatile aquifer, 48157Abstract Title: Direct push driven in situ color logging tool for high resolution characterization of soils and unconsolidated sediments, 48202Abstract Title: High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited)
Vogler, D.
48278Abstract Title: Joint Impact of Fracture Topography and Aperture Distribution on Flow and Transport
Volpi, E.
48085Abstract Title: The impact of non-Gaussian logconductivity distributions on transport, with application to the MADE experiment.


Walsh, D. O.
48281Abstract Title: Recent advances in hydrogeologic characterization of the shallow subsurface using direct-push technology
Walsh, S. D.
48278Abstract Title: Joint Impact of Fracture Topography and Aperture Distribution on Flow and Transport
Wang, C. Y.
38288Abstract Title: Effect of large earthquakes on groundwater transport
Werban, U.
48157Abstract Title: Direct push driven in situ color logging tool for high resolution characterization of soils and unconsolidated sediments
Willmann, M.
48250Abstract Title: Topological characteristics and channel properties of porous media that underpin anomalous transport
Witcher, J. C.
59218Abstract Title: The Groundwater Flow Patterns Associated with the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Geothermal Resource
Wood, B. D.
48253Abstract Title: Development of an effective advection-dispersion-reaction equation involving chemical mixing


Xu, T.
48133Abstract Title: Joint characterization of non-Gaussian hydraulic conductivities and non-Gaussian porosities by the normal-score ensemble Kalman filter


Yakirevich, A.
59605Abstract Title: Modeling Remediation of a Polluted Aquifer in Israel


Zarlenga, A.
48085Abstract Title: The impact of non-Gaussian logconductivity distributions on transport, with application to the MADE experiment., 48102Abstract Title: From heterogeneity characterization to prediction of transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers (with application to MADE)
Zech, A.
48087Abstract Title: Is Unique Scaling of Aquifer Macrodispersivity Supported by Field Data?, 48148Abstract Title: Goal Oriented Parametrization of Transport Models – Recent Advances in Field Characterization and Data Analysis Methods
Zhang, Y.
48254Abstract Title: Upscaling at the MADE site: When, Why, How, and What Next? (Invited)
Zheng, C.
9992Abstract Title: Review of MADE Site Experiments and Similar Ones, 9994Abstract Title: Round Table Discussion with Emphasis on Prospects for the Future, 48155Abstract Title: Explaining "anomalous" solute transport at the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) site from a geological perspective, 61836Abstract Title: A Brief History of the MADE Site
Zhou, H.
48127Abstract Title: Bridging Multiple-point Geostatistics and Parameter Estimation for Better Flow and Transport Modeling