New high-resolution methods to characterize highly heterogeneous aquifers

Tuesday, October 6, 2015: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Primary Convener:  James J Butler Jr, University of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS, United States
Convener:  David W Hyndman, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States
9:00 AM
Recent advances in hydrogeologic characterization of the shallow subsurface using direct-push technology (48281)
James J Butler Jr1, Gaisheng Liu1, Steven Knobbe1, Edward C Reboulet1, Geoffrey Bohling1 and David O Walsh2, (1)University of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS, United States, (2)Vista Clara Inc., Mukilteo, WA, United States
9:30 AM
Progress in hydraulic methods since the beginning of MADE - Opportunities and limitations for the investigation of highly heterogeneous aquifers (Invited) (61835)
Peter Dietrich, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig, Department Monitoring and Exploration Technologies, Leipzig, Germany
10:00 AM
Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer (59161)
Avinoam Rabinovich1, Warren Barrash2,3, Michael A Cardiff4, David L Hochstetler5, Tania Bakhos5, Gedeon Dagan6 and Peter K Kitanidis2, (1)Stanford University, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford, CA, United States, (2)Stanford, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford, CA, United States, (3)Boise State University, Boise, ID, United States, (4)University of Wisconsin-Madison, Geoscience, Madison, WI, United States, (5)Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, (6)Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
High resolution subsurface characterization of the Krauthausen aquifer using GPR full-waveform inversion (Invited) (48202)
Nils Gueting1, Anja Klotzsche1, Jan Van Der Kruk1, Jan Vanderborght1, Thomas Vienken2, Andreas Englert3 and Harry Vereecken1, (1)Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Agrosphere Institute (IBG-3), Jülich, Germany, (2)Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig, Department Monitoring and Exploration Technologies, Leipzig, Germany, (3)Ruhr University Bochum, Earth Sciences Department, Bochum, Germany
11:30 AM
A Passive Flux Meter for Down-Hole Measurement of Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Rock Fractures (48177)
Harald Klammler1, Kirk Hatfield1, Mark Newman1, Jaehyun Cho1, Michael D Annable1, Beth L Parker2, John A Cherry2, Pete Pehme2 and Patryk Quinn2, (1)University of Florida, Gainesville, United States, (2)University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
12:00 PM
Quantifying the Value of High Resolution Characterization Data for Flow and Transport Predictions at the Highly Heterogeneous MADE Site (61833)
David W Hyndman, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States, Mine Dogan, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United States and Remke L. Van Dam, Queensland University of Technology, Science and Engineering Faculty, Brisbane, Australia
12:30 PM
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